We use a real-world, collaborative approach to professional development that is designed for the unique challenges that businesses face when trying to drive accountability, upskill their workforce and get results.
Our services include:

Gap Analysis

Reveal your barriers to growth

Combining strategy and execution is a key driver in achieving business goals. Our gap analysis reveals the insights you need to remove the barriers preventing your success and provide the best return on investment after training. What’s more, we do a further analysis after training to make sure that we’ve addressed the needs we uncovered at the start and to identify any other gaps in knowledge or skills. Sometimes the only way to go forwards is to look back.

Materials development

Set up for success

We take your employees’ knowledge and plug it into reliable frameworks that help them achieve your business objectives with materials that are customised to your circumstances.

Our training materials include experiential activities that help learners put their new skills into practice. They also cater for a variety of different learning styles to ensure no one is left behind.


Reach your goals

Motivated and engaged employees are at the core of every successful organisation.

Our behavioural soft skills programmes, targeted sales training, customer service and customer experience training take on a practical approach. They are designed to improve your bottom line and increase employee retention. 


Develop critical leadership skills

Creating sustainable behavioural and organisational change starts with a sharp focus on your leaders. We’ve designed our leadership programme to develop essential skills and competencies that encourage critical behaviours such as strategic thinking, resilience and agility.

Just like our sales and customer services training, our leadership development includes practical experiential activities based on real-life situations to help managers gain the experience they need to lead.


Let's close the gap

Our high-performance coaching sessions focus on key coaching behaviours and a structured framework that strengthens intellectual curiosity and critical skills which are crucial to improving competency, driving accountability and increasing performance results. We can operate as your coaching team or alongside it to make sure your employees have the skills they need to perform their best in the long term. 


Turn business on its head

In a hyper-connected world, your talent should always have access to valuable learning materials that are relevant to the challenges and intricacies of their role. 

This empowers your teams with the tools they need to be impactful and develop qualities that support your organisation’s sustainability and growth. 

Our hybrid learning model fosters active learning within organisations with online content that is engaging, interactive, personalised and promotes a culture of lifelong learning. 

SDF Services

Let’s connect the dots

Submitting Workplace Skills Plans and Annual Training Reports can be a challenging and time-consuming process.

We know just how valuable time can be for a business and how important it is to get those grants. That’s why we’ve made it a top priority to provide Skills Development Facilitator services.

Our skills development service will streamline the process and ensure that you gain access to your mandatory grant payments and have the opportunity of applying for discretionary grants.